On May 29, 2022, ICYM Shakthinagar unit held elections for the year 2022–23. A short prayer service marked the start of the assembly. Outgoing President Grags Pinto welcomed everyone. Fr. Gerald D’Souza, Parish Priest, presided over the gathering. Animator Fr. Vincent Saldana oversaw the elections.
Newly elected office-bearers for 2022-23
President | Anish Makwin Menezes |
Vice President | Aaron Jason D’Almeida |
Lady Vice President | Prima Mezita Ferrao |
Secretary | Sherly Philomena Dsouza |
Joint Secretary | Gregs Stevo Pinto |
Treasurer | Rachel Pinto |
Auditor | Leeshal Dsouza |
Amcho Yuvak and Media Representative | Keerthan Vinoy Mascarenhas |
From left, Anish Menezes President & Sherly Dsouza Secretary