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Birthday Celebration of Fr Pramod Crasta

On Thursday, the 27th February 2025, Fr Pramod Crasta celebrated his Birthday. As a resident priest of our Parish for the past 4 years, Fr Pramod Crasta served the Parishioners in a very pleasing and cordial way and rightly deserved the love and gratitude of every parishioner.
The day began with the Holy Mass at 6:30am, Fr Pramod celebrated the Mass, and Fr Apolinaris Crasta and Fr Ivan Peter Corderio concelebrated. It was a real surprise for Fr Pramod to have the presence of Fr Ivan his good friend in the early morning.
After Mass a mini celebration with Cake cutting was held. Fr Ivan Felicitated Fr Pramod, Parish Priest Fr Apolinaris Crasta congratulated and spoke in brief. The PPP Vice President, Secretary, Commission Convenor and other members wished Fr Pramod with Flowers and birthday wishes. All enjoyed the delicious cake.