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New Corn Festival

Report: William Colaso
Pics: Derick Dsouza
The nativity of Mother Mary and the new corn festival were celebrated at the residence of William Colaso, on 10th September 2023. Jenifer Pereira welcomed the gathering. The ward members conducted the prayer service
followed by the offering of flowers to Infant Mary.
The ward members were enlightened about the significance of the new corn festival. The parish priest Rev. Fr Gerald Dsouza invoked God’s blessings over the new corn drink and all the ward members had the drink together as a token of unity and love.
Games were conducted by Jenifer Pereira and prizes were distributed to the winners. Vincent Dsouza wished those celebrating birthdays in September. Teachers and achievers were honoured. Jenifer Pereira, former Ward Gurkar, was felicitated for her service for five years to the ward and church. The newly elected Gurkar, William Colaso was honoured.
The parish priest, Rev. Fr Gerald Dsouza delivered a meaningful message on the occasion. 48 ward members of 19 families were present for the celebration. William Colaso extended the vote of thanks and Asha Vas compered the programme. In the end, everyone enjoyed the meals prepared by the ward members.